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Old 10-08-2015, 09:33 PM   #10 (permalink)
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2. Ummm... lost me. Are you talking about the transfer, or recommending something to do with the new computer?
3. Sounds good. I see most of the new coputers in my price range claim at least one USB3, will need to check specs on this one to see what flavor the USB ports are.
4. Almost total Greek to me, sorry. But it sounds like most of that is a warning not to do the transfer via Time Machine? If so, the rest I think is moot.
2—> You're about to step into a big pile of Windows poo. If you have Windows 7 or 8, automatic update will install Windows 10 "just in case you choose to upgrade later". Microsoft really, really wants you to have their new OS. If you buy in at 10, it's moot. I really try to think better of Microsoft now that Steve Ballmer is gone.

3—> USB is backward compatible. Your Mini is probably USB 2.0 and the transfer to a newer machine (from the drive) will be ten times faster. An off-the-shelf drive should be plug compatible with both systems. Don't put anything in the cloud you wouldn't want you mother to see.

4—>'The rest' is how easy it is to do it. Finder means the OS's file manager. File is the file menu, it's just to the right of Finder in the menubar. Compress and Burn are options to move the data. Burn is less attractive given the 23.23Gb*. If you can Get Info on a folder [in the Finder] you can choose Compress instead and if there is~20Gb of free space a compressed version will be created. It may be in the vicinity of 15-18Gb in size.

* The discrepancy is down Allocation Blocks, the last one for each file doesn't get completely filled. I also used to make good money talking to people about this. Editing the Registry over the phone Never lost a drive, but it's a young person's game now.
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