I guess you wouldn't have appreciated the discussion of inodes and B-trees. Sorry. (I learned something)
Now that my nearly full hard drive is slowing down and choking up frequently, certain websites work only partially with my out-of-date browsers (which I can`t update with my out-of-date OS), and some websites (my bank) no longer work at all, I need to replace with SOMETHING.
That's the most we have so far. Under the Apple menu the first choice is About This Mac. In that window it gives the version of the operating system. If you're using iPhoto you likely are using Safari for a browser. Are you using Safari? You're putting your finances on Internet?!?
The more sticky reason is that I feel a large amount of shame in falling for Apple`s marketing BS. Not so much against Apple because all successful companies do the same thing, but usually I can see through it. I really bought into the "Mac and PC" ad campaign when I decided to shell out extra money for the Mini- expected I could just open the box, plug it in, and be rolling with never a worry. Not so. Now that...
Did that not happen? Could you not plug it in and have it just work? How many years has it been? Your OS could be 10.2 or later—that 2003. Did it take 12 years to get to the point it needs maintenance?
You may be right, I don't like the direction Apple is moving in. Each new version of Mac OSX is a little more like IOS. And Windows has done some good things about security, or at least the appearance of security. At least until everything gets sucked up into the cloud.
So—Tom's Hardware is a very respected name online, and here is an article they did on
Seven Small (But Powerful) Mini-PCs, Reviewed . It's going on two years old, but these are comparable with the Mini. The as tested prices range from $430 to $1245.65. As you can see a good quality PC will cost as much or more than Apple product. Apple only builds good quality and buys components in massive volume, so it hard to compete with them on price.
Another point. You could use a KVM switch and operate two or more computers with a single Keyboard, Video monitor and Mouse. Or put the Mini on a network and run it headless in a closet.
There's a lot you could do without spending on anything but cables and you can get them at Goodwill. I'd start by downloading a different browser like Firefox or Chrome and see if you can do your banking.
Edit: The Tom's Hardware article is 15 pages long (!) but
the last page has 4 recommendations for different senarios: consumer, embedded, budget and gamer. The $430 Acer Aspire Revo makes the cut.