Wow, is Apple related to the Hotel California?
Originally Posted by freebeard
What I'm hearing is that you got 10 years of service life from a machine that's reached the end of it's service life without having to know much at all, and you've decided since all your friends have had to learn all these tricks, and likely replace the machine every 18 months, you will join them instead of just getting a new Mini. But the Windows people who will be so helpful can't, so now you're looking to pay someone to put you in the place you want to be.
Now you`re getting it! Aside from a little understatement of what I`ve invested into my current Mini and the life expectancy of other-than-Apple machines, I think you`ve summed up my positon pretty well.
Originally Posted by freebeard
What this shuts out of the conversation is the migration tools Apple provides to move data from the older machine to a newer one.
Unless I`m reading something wrong, those only work to move data onto another Mac. I have decided to go with Windows for the next round.
Originally Posted by freebeard
I'd just get a new Mini if it were me and go with what you know
??? Even if the new Mini isn`t Freebeard approved?
Originally Posted by freebeard
I don't like the direction Apple is moving in. Each new version of Mac OSX is a little more like IOS.
The new Minis also start at twice what I expect to pay for a computer, no longer offer iPhoto (I really like iPhoto), and no longer come with a CD/DVD drive to read the service manuals for my pickup and my motorcycle.
Originally Posted by freebeard
...but what did you think of the Tom's Hardware article?
Power consumption information was enlightening. The rest of the article seems to be about things I don`t care about. Admittedly, I just scanned it, didn`t carefully read the whole thing.