Hey guys thanks for the welcome!
The project is becoming more and more in depth as the days go on! I'm the proud owner of a Kubota D1005 3 cylinder diesel engine that will be going into the Metro. I've got a friend who is encouraging this project, and he convinced me to go with the diesel. I'm still researching if I can keep the auto transmission (no vacuum on the engine) or if I'd be better off doubling down on this insane project and swapping in a manual. Perhaps I should just trade the car?
The gasoline engine has been pulled from the shell - it's amazing how easy it is to pull these compact engines, I lifted mine out by hand because I lack a engine hoist.
I'll get the pictures uploaded and share soon.
I'm really, really, really hoping to find someone who can either sell me an adapter plate or explain to me (like a kindergartner) how to make one. Any Suggestions?
Does this picture work: