Hard to say time wise. To get an estimate try finding a shop rate manual for Geo Metro or Subaru engine and transmission rebuild. Any project I have worked on seems to require 210% the effort one would imagine going in. Any project needs to be broken down into several phases: Planning, Funding, Procurement, Parts Fabrication, Assembly, Troubleshooting, Testing, Refinement, and Documentation. You might do it in 600 man hours where it might take me 1000 man hours. There are race car fabrication shops in the yellow pages. They would have experience building specialty vehicles.
A Honda Prelude is a FWD wishbone system where most other cars use McPherson suspensions. Engine vendors such a Kubota will have spec sheets for clutch dimensions so you might be able to avoid machining an adapter plate.
Last edited by Grant-53; 10-17-2015 at 01:53 PM..