Originally Posted by Hersbird
Look at this new Artic Cat Wildcat Trail. A narrow, 50" wide, side by side 4x4 with a 700cc parallel twin motor. It is $11,000. This picture almost looks like what it could look like with a 3 wheel setup. Narrow the cab for a front back seating setup, or maybe go 3 seater with a single in the back. It would lose all that suspension travel and only be front wheel drive.
Actually maybe just buy this thing as is and try and lower and aero it. They already make a sweet armoured belly pan for it.
Go track em' down and let us know how it goes. Not to be cynical, but I almost think these companies get paid to fail by the "big dogs" to discourage innovation and progress.
The minute big money gets involved it is over. Look at quiryk.com a crowdfunding platform for inventors after taking over $100 million form venture capitalist it was good bye quirky.
CEO made a bunch of bad calls as he had to get an immediate return on that profit. I would not be surprised if the blood suckers get involved just so they can drive it into the dirt.
You notice you can give billions to elect politicians, but crowdsourcing is capped at $50 million.
I would be shocked if it ever makes it to market even at $14k a piece double the estimate. From what I have found by building old bikes double is a good rule of thumb.