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Old 01-11-2008, 10:23 AM   #15 (permalink)
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I appreciate all the compliments on the aero cap. I am a clay modeler by trade having worked in Ford design. I enjoy sculpting the clay and have done fiberglass work since I was 16. The cap is made of Fiberglass. The prototype has held up very well with no destortion of surfaces due to solar heating in summer or freezing temperatures in winter.

AndrewJ I the patent is pending and I went to the SEMA show in Vegas back in November. I met with several manufacturers hoping to get a licensing agreement. The main company I wanted to deal with was interested but they want sales figures. They are aware of how much money it takes to set up even limited production and were unwilling to take the risk at this time with thier sales way down. The development of the cap has put me in debt. Without capital, my hands are presently tied.

Bestmapman, my hat is off to you for having been there and done that. You know well about capitalization and cash flow. I don't know what your product is you have developed but I hope you profit margin is high. One problem with an aftermarket product like the aerolid is a low profit margin. Your money is made in volume. This stretches your break even point out into the future a good while. I was going to second mortgage the house for the money but my wife said no. You are right about having to work like a dog. I am used to that. Here is a pic of me and an aircraft mockup I finished recently which I fiberglassed the nose and cockpit and surfaced single handedly in less than three weeks.

If I had the funds to get the aero lid to market this dog would be on the job. Thanks you all again for your replys and compliments. I am by no means giving up!

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