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Old 10-26-2015, 06:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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How can I find the author of an online image ?

Yes, this is off topic, and yes I looked elsewhere online for the answer, but did not find it.
A lot of you guys are damn smart when it comes to stuff like this, so I thought I would ask here as well.

So - if I find an image online that has no link to the author, or watermark etc. , how can i find the author of the image ?

Even when using things like TinEye, I don't come up with much, most of the time.

I find a lot of images online to use as reference for my art, but want to avoid copyright issues.
Even if was 100% legal to not not have to get permission, it's just polite to get permission.

Thanks !

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