Originally Posted by newtonsfirstlaw
Absolutely. I think also that the killawatt may not register below about 5W. So if a device uses 4W, it will read 0W. Can Americans confirm?
I got pretty close to accurate readings at 2W testing a strand of LED lights confirmed with multimeter... I haven't really verified things less than that...
I've been doing long term power usage measurements with my kill-a-watt
things like my cell phone charger, laptop charger, etc. The wattage reads as zero (occasionally hitting 1) - but given enough time, it will show up in the kWh reading...
My laptop charger, for example, consumes ~.15kWh per week... I had a spare power brick on the kill-a-watt for three weeks.... Which almost makes me sad because that's less than 8kWh per year if the charger was on stand by the while time... That costs me about 75 cents, a year... It's not like I can go to people with a huge claim of how much they'll save - I find more than 75 cent/year on the street
My cell phone charger is almost half that consumption...