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Old 11-02-2015, 05:34 PM   #10 (permalink)
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wind turbine

Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
Tell me all the reasons why putting a wind turbine on the front of a car is a stupid idea.
And no I don't want to do it. I think its a stupid idea.
I think this idea ranks up there with putting an alternator in an electric vehicle to charge the batteries as you drive.
*The mechanical efficiency of the turbine would around 80%.
*The mechanical efficiency of the generator might be 98%.
*Combined,for every 746-Watts of power extracted,you'd have to overcome 964-Watts of drag for the turbine alone,then add in the drag of the nacelle,supporting strut,interference drag at the attachment interface,plus you'd be driving in the turbulent wake of the turbine; of which it's kinetic energy could never be converted back to useful pressure,disturbing local body airflow,increasing the car's overall aerodynamic drag.
*Think of a side-view mirror the size of the rotating disc of the turbine!
*It could be the poster child for Entropy.
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