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Old 11-03-2015, 03:36 PM   #24 (permalink)
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This is not the low profile top of a van style generator I first thought it to be, in fact the workhorse of the design is what's underneath once projected up into an air-stream.
Thanks. That's interesting in a different way. I was thinking the top part rotates and it could have cyclic pitch for the solar and collective pitch for the wind.

But this is more like Bucky Fuller's call for indoor windmills. If the PV vanes were pitched cyclically [following wind direction] and it sucked air up through the unshrouded bottom half, it would substitute for the conical rotating vent [as*] used on the 1947 Dymaxion house.

I think I like it better.

*An indoor windmill wouldn't be appropriate for a house, it would be a little breezy. But a greenhouse could benefit from a strong breeze. A low arch dome would maximize both planting area and the lift from wind load that would translate into harvestable power.

Not a good idea to have a rotating mass on the end of a pole. Better to mount it tangent to the surface of a geodesic. The concentric rings resist the vibration.

2nd Edit: is nothing but an inducement to install Flash™. As if.

Last edited by freebeard; 11-03-2015 at 04:12 PM..
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