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Old 11-05-2015, 08:20 AM   #45 (permalink)
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It's important to understand the difference between load and throttle position. When accelerating a very small increase in throttle position can make a huge increase in load.

This happens when you are in too high a gear, typically climbing a grade, where you have to downshift to increase your speed. Before you downshifted, you were at 100% load, regardless of the throttle position.

I accelerate at the rate of the traffic around me, in the highest possible gear. This way I am not aggravating the other drivers around me, which can cause them to do stupid things and increase the risk of an accident to everyone around me.

I don't go wide open throttle unless there is something going on that I can shut down by getting out of an aggressive drivers way. Spreading out the group of drivers decreases proximity and risk. It makes almost no difference in overall mileage.

I tested this by accelerating and coasting to the same point on a deserted road without any traffic influences. Only if I crept up to the target speed would the mileage be significantly worse. Even WOT was better than too slow.

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