Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Wait, so you can charge the caps, and they stay charged up?
Yes. I wan't really paying attention when I was trying to power up the Cougar. I tried with 12V controller power only and got the flashing yellow. Hooked up the throttle and cleared that. But the Green LED was off? So I brought up the small pack (3 sla from old UPS), put on the pre-charge resistor, brought it up to 32V, then bypassed the precharge. It held. Green LED (I didn't think I needed the high voltage pack to light the Green?)
So I connected the laptop, got the startup message .. but no echo.
Then I realized that there was a PACK CONNECTED! I checked all of the resistors driving the MOSFETS - no heat? With a failed MOSFET the B- and M- are shorted ... so I need a motor connected B+ to M- for current to flow, right? Is that when the resistors will heat up?
Sorry for the off-topic. I'll cross post to the Cougar list.