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Old 11-11-2015, 01:12 AM   #26 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
90 day: 37.18 mpg (US)
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I've thought about cooling too. I've heard rumors that the Herod Helper hurts cooling. I like the idea of putting scoops on the rear fenders.

I don't know if the underneath is a good place to get air. I've heard of guys taking away the front fire wall tin thinking that it'll get more air to the fan, only to find out it runs hotter that way. The VW design never took air from underneath. It only expelled hot air there. It seems like an air dam or lowered suspension would cause more vacuum under there. That would be good for sucking out hot air, but not for inducing cool air.

One thing I've always wondered is if it would be practical to direct rammed air from the front into the frame tunnel and into the engine compartment.
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