Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I wonder how they compare in crosswind performance, as well as lift.
Frank,that's a good one!
VW had the Rumpler car in their tunnel and might actually have yawed it and got numbers for crosswind,plus lift.
The smoke flow shows a tiny bit of separation above the bow,so she might have a tiny bit of front lift.I'd guess none at the tail.In a crosswind I'd guess that we'd feel her 'roll' with all that height.
If anyone has Hucho's more recent volumes,there might be some data on it.
The Schl'o'rwagen I'm not sure if that car survived WW-II . Obviously,there are the models showing up in the tunnels.
I'd guess that roll issues would be better than the Rumpler car,but she might have rear lift a bit.
PS,man,your Sport Coupe has some really tasty mpg numbers!