Constant Recal, IMA light, 2003 Civic hybrid
I have a 2003 Civic that has had the IMA light on for about 4 months. I was able to turn the light off for inspection by grid charging the battery. Today I grid charged the battery for about 3 hours, battery voltage got to 172 before charger stopped charging, LED went out, basic grid charger, homemade. I drove the car 10 miles to wn and back and it recaled about 4 times. Went all the way up then all the way back down. Little assist and charged 5 bars on the charge indicator even when braking. Usually can turn on all charge bars. Would further grid charging work or do I need to dischage the pack and charge it back up? I saw a post about discharging the pack using 2 - 100 watt bulbs in series. How long does that take?