Kids xor free time
My kids are 8 and 6 years old and finally keep themselves busy a bit more, but we used to count our free time in minutes, not hours.
Once they were in bed and the disaster areas were cleared we just dropped on the couch to watch TV, unable to find the energy for anything else.
It doesn't help that my son has Asperger's and my daughter is overly active and vocal.
We manage and things are improving bit by bit.
What remains is a giant backlog of things to do, any modding and forum activity has to be weighed against the everlasting pile of useful hand binders.
It is the one step at at time approach, and allowing yourself to be satisfied with that step instead of feeling guilty by looking at the mountain ahead.
But - I am happy to have my kids, wouldn't trade them for gold, not even for a Tesla model S 60. (I know, don't tempt me!)
- The washing machine does not have a spotless reputation (Alphons, age 3, after I repaired our ageing washing machine with a big struggle)
- (reciting the Greek alphabet backwards while getting changed - Alphons, age 5)
- Daddy, can you please turn your computer my way so I can see the (screensaver) photos while I'm eating my custard? (Dina, age 2)
- 101 is a prime number (Dina, age 5)
They are special. That's not just my pride as a dad, I tell you.
But indeed, if you plan to have kids plan to save time on anything else.
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
 lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.

For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
Last edited by RedDevil; 11-23-2015 at 04:51 PM..