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Old 12-01-2015, 07:09 PM   #2431 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes View Post
I've never used a memory card before. I've seen the code though. It's not a small thing to include, in terms of software, from what I've seen. It would be very nice though.

I don't have any handshaking or who knows what with the rs-232 serial. Would there be anything special involved in adding one of those bluetooth interfaces? Or is it just as simple as connecting the ground, tx, and rx to the input of the bluetooth, and then the phone or whatever magically receives the data? So, is this all you do?

cell phone --- $5 bluetooth thing --- rx, tx, ground on control board.
It doesn't look like setting up an SD card is a big deal. Basically, it can be done with the SPI port, which is an synchronous serial connection. I used this interface w/ a 18 series pic some years ago for my 1st gen BMS.

The only trick seems to be a 5V > 3.6V level shift, which is done with a hex converter. Here's the circuit for the SD shield. The only stuff that matters is the SPI connection from the Arduino, the level shift, and the SD card. All these are on the top of the schematic. NBD.

The code for it looks pretty reasonable as well. Here's the Arduino C code for an SD card data logger:

- E*clipse

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