I certainly do not want to discourage your ideas, but I have to ask ... why ? Why that you are set on doing this project when you don't have the money ?
( I am 'poor' myself ! )
Have you welded before ? What about doing custom fabrication ?
I have my own fantasy project car, but it would take every penny I own to create it.
I made a physical model of it, and a 3D model as well for aerodynamic testing.
I haven't read much of this thread, so maybe I am misunderstanding, but I would think that your skill would be better used designing these vehicles in 2D / 3D.
Another idea of mine :
I like your art. I really do, and I think others will too.
Please do not feel discouraged.
I just think you are exerting a lot of time and effort on something that is better left as a concept.