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Old 12-01-2015, 08:17 PM   #2433 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes View Post
Wow they have come a long way since I looked at interfacing to a memory card. There was a ton of assembly language, and special sequences of things to guarantee a proper data read (like with the EE Prom). And constructing a model of the FAT on the card. And a bunch of memory copy routines. This doesn't look bad at all.
Oh gawd, I remember that.... Yeah, that's why I stayed away from EEprom.

There is a tutorial about formatting the SD card. It looks like normal memory formatting procedures. Personally, I haven't done that with any of my camera's cards and they seem to work just fine in my Macs, PCs, and Linux machines; kind of like USB memory sticks just work. A few years ago I remember having to format those for specific computers.

I think what I'm going to do is buy two of those Spark Fun CAN bus boards, the one with an SD card connector. They can connect to a couple of Linduinos I have for the BMS. With this I can mess with CAN and data logging with an SD card.

- E*clipse
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