Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Once it is initialized CAN is very easy to use. You can set up each node to ignore or accept whatever types of messages you want. Then, everybody just willy nilly blasts whatever the crap they want with no regard to concern about collisions. And they just accept whatever messages are for them. I have used it between a charger and several bms boards. Each board sent a packet of 8 bytes long, which were the 8 voltages of that bms module's 8 batteries. There were 6 modules just blasting their 8 bytes randomly and each ignored each others 8 bytes. The charger would pick up all the packets. No problems with noise and no missed packets (i dont think). And the data was never corrupted. You just use a little 8 pin $1 part along with the dspic CAN module.
Sounds a bit like MQTT, which I've been using for a home automation project. Though MQTT needs a central broker to receive published messages from devices and to distribute them to subscribed devices. So probably not that close now that I think about it. >.<