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Old 12-03-2015, 01:36 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Mid/Full Size Car with Decent Aero/MPG

Or, how I am a terrible person.

I'm new to the forum but I have been lurking for quite some time. I have an 80 mile per day commute and a job that occasionally requires me to take calls on bluetooth while on the road. I've been driving a 2001 Impala with a 3.8 which I had averaged around 21 mpg in prior to discovering the driving tips on this site. I was able to get it up to 30 mpg (calculated with pen/paper -the onboard computer is about 4 mpg optimistic) by driving more consciously, however, I spend a considerable part of my commute going with the flow of traffic (70-80 mph). I've tried driving slower, but the reality is I am quite strapped for time, and staying in the left lane at speed doesn't seem to be much worse in the Impala than having to brake and accelerate to deal with lane changers in the right lanes.

The Impala has been good to me- it is quiet enough to take calls, and has a large trunk that lets me haul gear for hobbies each weekend (I travel quite a bit for sport, sometimes with multiple adults and across state lines).

I bought a 2.0l 5 speed Focus hatchback thinking I could save more gas with the 37 mpg highway rating, and so far that hasn't quite panned out. While I was able to squeeze 33 mpg out of the first tank by driving slower, subsequent tanks have been around 30. The car is too loud at speed to take calls, and I can't fit more than one other person+gear on the weekends.

I originally thought something like a Vue would be an answer with capacity and MPGs, but I am beginning to doubt that as it seems most of the 4 cyls take a lot of revs on the highway, and are quite loud at speed. I think I want something bigger than a Civic hybrid, I have found the Prius to be quite loud- and I know the MPG's drop off fairly hard on those when driven fast (still better than most ICE only, I guess due to aero efficiency?)

I am looking at mid/full size cars with 6 cyls as they tend to be quieter at highway speeds and I know some can get decent mileage. I am open to mild aeromodding (lowering, narrower wheels/tires, smooth wheel covers, air dam, partial grill block, smaller mirrors- what was done with the 999 Fusion was amazing). I can't do a boat tail or similar due to my parking situation.

I'm strongly considering replacing the Impala with another W body GM with the 3.8l. I'm also looking at early 2000's 3 series BMWs (I've seen people claim mid 30s at 75-80 with the six speed). I have also been recommended to look at manual Saabs. I am trying to keep to under 5k for a budget- is there something I am overlooking? Is there a fullsize out there that will return mid 30s without having to slow down? I'd rather drive a slippery fullsize than a small SUV.

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