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Old 08-02-2008, 12:52 AM   #5 (permalink)
Coyote X
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Metro XFi - '93 Geo Metro XFi Convertible
90 day: 62.17 mpg (US)

DR650SE - '07 Suzuki DR650SE
90 day: 55.26 mpg (US)
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I will actually be modding my bike for better mileage in a week or so. Installing a small aerodynamic windshield and going to a larger countershaft sprocket. I am right in the mid 50's mpg wise and I am hoping this will get it up into the 60's without affecting it's capabilities on or offroad

Most people are reporting the windshield I am getting usually gains them 6mpg so that seems like good deal to me. The CS sprocket with the windshield will hopefully get it closer to 10mpg gain.

On a side note we need a motorcycle category on here

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