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Old 08-02-2008, 02:04 AM   #11 (permalink)
Coyote X
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A MPG computer for a carb bike or car would be tricky. I have stuck my wideband sensor in the exhaust of my bike to see how it was tuned from the factory and the tuning seems to be off in a few places. So assuming a 14.7: ratio is not going to work well for a lot of bikes.

It seems like a map sensor might give more information than a tps. A lot of bikes have a CV style carb and the airflow through them doesn't have that much to do with the throttle position a lot of the time. If there is a big vacuum diaphragm on the top of the carb it is a CV(constant velocity) carb and measuring the slider position would be a lot more accurate than throttle. You prob have a CV carb since you are only getting 5 inches vacuum all the time. That is typically how they work. You can change the vacuum amount by adjusting the spring pressure on the diaphragm or drilling out/filling in the vent holes.


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