Originally Posted by jamesqf
So there is something wrong with speaking truth, even if you happen to have made a lot of money? I'd rather trust the opinions of people who have no financial axe to grind over those from people who intend to profit (or have profited) from whipping up anti-nuclear hysteria. And FWIW, I've been saying much the same thing for decades.
Agreed, I love the book Superfuel, talking about the thorium debacle.
Lower cost
Less Waste
More fuel
Less danger
No chance for meltdown
ah well, its too bad we can't remove the wedge out of certain cornerstones of society toward usefull progress.
The old we've never done it before so it can't be done now crapola is getting old, its sad that we COULD do advanced technology in the 1950s and 1960's that we can't do today.
Then we have oil companies with patents on coal fired exhaust to algae to bio fuel systems that nobody seems concerned with, we rather push Co2 & Nox underground at a very high expense than just clean it at the source or better still not make to begin with, I forget how many acres you needed for each megawatt but it wasn't bad at all to make a zero emission algae cleaned coal plant.
Ah well, I guess colorado was wrong.