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Old 12-09-2015, 10:12 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miller88 View Post
Are you sure there's not something wrong with the Focus like bad wheel bearings? Mine is super quiet on the highway and 40MPG is easily attainable. Mine does have the "fuel conomy" 3.56 gearing. But even running at 75-80 on the highway it gets 35MPG with no aeromods at all.

My old Taurus would get 34MPG running at 65 on the highway.
Mine has 3.82 final drive ratio, so I am north of 3k rpm at 80. I am fairly certain the noise is coming from the engine. If I pop it into neutral and coast it quiets right down. No exhaust leaks or other excessive noise at idle or at lower speeds... I think it's just winding it out.

If I drive 65 I can get 33 out of my mixed driving commute. I'd imagine that means mid to high 30s on the highway. I don't have an ultra gauge yet, but empirically I have discovered that I get around 30 driving normal speeds.
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