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Old 12-10-2015, 11:27 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Need Help! Bigger Tires?

If anyone is following my other thread they may have seen that my tire and rim got messed up by a large chunk of concrete in LA yesterday.

I need a new wheel and since I was already thinking about putting larger wheels on, now would be a perfect time. If i do it I'm only going to go from R13s to R14s. This would be a 7% decrease in rpms. I'm going to only put the biggers ones on the front so i halve any weight increases and spinup losses. I have no rpm gauge, but it feels like the car is geared too high on the highway.

My car has plenty of power going uphill and I'm going to take out at least 25 pounds of weight if i do this.

I am worried about messing up the torque.

Do people agree that this mod makes sense to do?

Thanks for the help.

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