Originally Posted by dfeldt91
Also, what is the metal block that is bolted between the engine mounts in the second photo?
It is a chunk of weight to tune out some vibration in the subframe that holds the steering rack. With it off you may notice a little more engine vibration in the steering wheel.
Originally Posted by deejaaa
diesel might not be a good solution. they need to get to operating temp or they will get clogged intakes and sticky vanes.
You can do an adaptation within factory parameters to minimize how much the EGR recirculates to cut down on the soot clogging the intake. A good working thermostat, coolant heater glowplugs and/or an add on coolant heater to have the coolant warm before you start will also cut down on the soot clogging. The less coal you roll at cruise, the less it will clog. People using the TDi's off road have completely cut out the EGR system.
The VNT turbo on the Mk4 are the vanes that might get stuck. Floor the car and work it once a day and you shouldn't have a problem. Waste gate style turbo of the MK3 doesn't have the sticking issue.
If you are thinking of doing a diesel swap, take a look on Freds TDI club forum
https://www.tdiclub.com/ It would be cheaper and easier to just buy a running TDi manual, NOT AN AUTOMATIC!! lol
Good luck with the mods, they do add up