Originally Posted by ninetynineSC2
Uhhh...My bus driver backed out of multiple driveways every day and never had an issue. It's fairly common here for them to use farm driveways to back out so they can turn around.
Was the bus long or short? Just kidding! How many times does the bus need to turn around in a day? Worst case it should be one time at the extent of the route to come back the other way. They should look for that spot to be some kind of point where the bus can do it without backing up. If they are driving the bus down each driveway rather then stopping out on the road then it must have been the short bus.
Even if they have to back up the bus 100 times a day they need to do it safely and the only way is by getting out and looking. You can't see a F150 you can't see a kid back there for sure.