Originally Posted by e*clipse
Could you clarify this issue?
Probably not, it is a bit nebulous. Admittedly I have focused on induction, and in DIY they are almost exclusively delta (i.e. HPEVS, reconfigures), pretty much make it reasonably symmetrical and you are golden.
BLDC might be an issue, pmac perhaps less, dunno, reluctance maybe less so. Lots of conflicting information out there. Minimize 3rd harmonics
here is the ES take on magnet rotor delta
"Astro's share poles and overlap.
That tends to be a problem when delta connected. The non-overlapping configuration is less likely to have circulating currents in delta"
one other thing to note is that the phases in the picture *look* like they are different lengths, i.e. one phase is at the root of the slot, another in the middle, another towards the rotor. But there are a number of delta pm motors in use.