Hi Folks,
I do not have a box-in-the-wind, so have not tested this mod, but wish to present it for discussion.
It could be considered a canard, designed to improve aero around a square leading edge, like on a trailer or box top. Notice crude canards running around on top of some of those armored cars?
This one is also crude, but can be built robustly for under $100. I believe it to be an improvement over simple rounding of a leading edge. I would have liked to shown one with double the diameters presented, but believe any larger would exceed the limits of the material strength. If any were to show the benefits of this little one, I am confident a good aluminum welder could safely fab it larger to good effect...
I speculate that bursts of 1 psi could hit a device like this, so calc the pressure times the area of the canard and you can realize how big the forces get! - hundreds of pounds on this little device - so build these stuuUURRDY!
Please take a look and give me your thoughts?
I am hoping one of you smart people will be inspired to build, AB test, and report back to us?