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Old 12-17-2015, 06:03 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ChewChewTrain View Post
You LIKE oil companies? You're lucky Ecomodder doesn't have a "Vote Them Off the Island" feature.
Well, most of the things we use, from the food we eat to the goods we buy to the buildings we live and work in, are almost completely dependent on oil companies, whether that's in the form of chemical fertilizers or diesel for trucks and tractors or petroleum products such as plastics and asphalt. I don't necessarily like oil companies, any more than I like any other companies, but I appreciate the quality of life they have made possible.

That said, I'm trying to minimize my dependence on them, both because of the environmental havoc we all wreak and the immediate monetary costs. I started hypermiling to save money on gas, but quickly realized that driving that way is also more interesting.
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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