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Old 08-02-2008, 10:26 AM   #48 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Aerocivic - '92 Honda Civic CX
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AerocivicLB - '92 Honda Civic CX
Team Honda
90 day: 55.14 mpg (US)

Camryglide - '20 Toyota Camry hybrid LE
90 day: 65.83 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by ebacherville View Post
Wonder if Basjoos has gotten stopped? hes got a lot more miles on his oddity on wheels..
Six times so far, mainly to satisfy their curiousity. They'll pull me over for trivial reasons (dew/moisture obscuring the back window, etc.), go through the license/registration routine, then when they return the docs, pop the key question (and the whole reason that they pulled me over in the first place), "What's all the stuff on the car for"?. I'll then explain it and also pointedly ask them if there is any features about my car that are illegal. If they make a suggestion, I will act on it. The main ones so far has been the clear cover over the license plate (the clear vinyl boattail when the plate was still in its EOM location, then the clear lexan cover on the 2nd gen boattail, I now have the plate uncovered), and the location of the plate (when I had it behind the muffler on the underside of the boattail, clearly visible from behind but too close to the ground and not on the "rear of the vehicle"). Only one cop so far has been honest about why he pulled me over, saying "You haven't done anything wrong, I just wanted to ask you some questions about the car". Another cop followed me into a grocery store parking lot and stopped to ask me questions about the car when I got out to go in the store (no blue light). I've gotten fairly blase' about seeing a blue light in the rear view these days. I haven't been bothered by the cops for quite some time now since my car has become fairly well known in the area.
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