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Old 08-02-2008, 11:04 AM   #49 (permalink)
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excuse me for saying this stan, but how many people bother to flip their rear-view mirrors to night mode at night? that's right... 99.999999% of the driving public do not, and that includes LEOs. why is this considered a sign of drunk driving again? the use of that criteria as even a partial justification for a stop is the very essence of entrapment. just because somebody is sober doesn't mean that they wont be irritated and possibly blinded when a cop throws his high beams on them from behind at point blank range, so the officer performing that action should be well aware of the state of mind he is forcing his target into.

I also have to state my unequivocal support for the fact that the tactic of speeding up on a vehicle and tailgating, then throwing on high beams is patently unsafe, and in fact is exactly the kind of thing one would expect a drunk driver to do - without the slowing down part. what happens if the cop misjudges his approach and rearends the person he is looking to intimidate?

in all I find that far too many cops use intimidation tactics on the road in an effort to force people to drive suspiciously or break the rules of the road outright. it all goes to the fact that law enforcement and government in general has come to rely on the revenues generated from ticketing a tad too much, so it is an encouraged behavior. why else would traffic enforement have ticket quotas? and dont you dare tell me they dont - I know that lie all too well as I have relatives in law enforcement myself.

officer showing considerable restraint... I have to go with the founding fathers on this one. abuse of authority must not be tolerated, and persons in authority should only be respected as far as they show respect for those they hold authority over. granted I am not going to go and show my ass to a cop in the field, but you are damn sure if one crosses me sufficiently, I will have his badge in court - if he bothers to show up.
I take offense to the saying 'it isnt rocket science' to describe the relative difficulty of a given endeavour. Rocket Science is NOT hard... just EXPENSIVE
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