Originally Posted by Piotrsko
I got a quarter that says all your mosfets are toasted by now.
I've got to agree - but I'll check anyway
20 watt resistor got hot? hmmm sounds like a lot more than 10 amps current flowing. What does your motor need to idle? My Kostov takes 30 amps @ 12 volts.
At 24V, spinning unloaded at 3600 rpm, the warp 9 takes about 40 amps. To accelerate to that speed it starts out over 100 amps.
I think I tried 12V in the past but I didn't write down what it takes to make it spin.
If any MOSFETs are left undamaged, I don't think the output current will be much. 10 pairs of MOSFETs to start, only 3 resistors left that are not visibly failed means a max of 6 MOSFETs. If 20 MOSFETs can do 500 amps, 6 can only do 150?