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Old 12-27-2015, 11:23 AM   #36 (permalink)
Somewhat crazed
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my $0.02 FWIW: #1 tires don't get hot unless they are driven hard or for long trips at low pressures, or the vehicle is driving sideways.

#2 take off the wheels and MEASURE hub wobble on ALL the hubs. for this purpose, any measurement method will do as long as it is consistent. straight stiff sticks, last word gauges...... whatever. I can't see how all 4 can be thrashed unless you off road A LOT, or slam into curbs daily accident or not. if they all measure the same, your measurement system is garbage. 0.060" or 3mm is kinda OK for now, specifications should be about half that at the rim edge.

#3 if the hubs wobble, you either have bad bearings or warped hub. NOT TO WORRY. bad bearings you'll hear, bent hub can be shimmed temporarily for testing

which ever hub is the least wobble, mount the rims and check wobble one at a time. 3 lug nuts should be sufficient but use all 5. Torque them tight. if they are all consistent see #2 above.

Take the rim off and rotate it about 180 degrees. if the wobble got better, mark this position for later. if the wobble got worse, you have a bent rim which is very possible. measure best wobble write done that number. standard 1/2 inch Home Depot washers are either 0.060" or 0.030. stack the appropriate thickness on the hub at the point of least wobble. install and tighten down the wheel. wobble should mostly go away. If it got worse, mount washers on other side of hub studs 180 degrees from where they were.

report these findings. we'll go from there. it is a PITA, but will give usable data .
casual notes from the underground:There are some "experts" out there that in reality don't have a clue as to what they are doing.

Last edited by Piotrsko; 12-27-2015 at 11:30 AM..
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