Thread: What if?
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Old 12-28-2015, 08:32 PM   #1 (permalink)
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What if?

Honda has let loose all their worldwide engineering centers, their in-house designers and engineers in competition, Global Design Project, to create the best embodiment of their rich tradition in motorcycles, automotive, racing and now aerospace design engineering. The winner is a motorcycle/car hybrid, the Honda Project 2&4 by a motorcycle engineer Martin Petersson from the motorcycle research and development center in Asaka, Japan. In motorcycle parlance, some riders remove their aerodynamic fairings for that 'streetfighter' look or they also call it 'naked'. Martin took the inspiration of the minimalistic 'exposed' look on a four-wheeled sports car. The interchangeable steering wheel, pedals and outrigger driver seat 'floats' in the air, all mechanical workings are exposed to be seen, appreciated and felt. All under 900 pounds. Honda/Acura and new 2016 models do have a more exciting vibe.

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