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Old 01-05-2016, 10:23 PM   #75 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Phillips, WI
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Nameless - '06 GMC Canyon
90 day: 37.45 mpg (US)

22 Maverick - '22 Ford Maverick XL
90 day: 37.93 mpg (US)
Thanks: 192
Thanked 467 Times in 287 Posts
Much of the advice in this thread is unclear to me. So here's my attempt to explain DWL. It's how I drive my truck.

When driving through rolling hills, observe how the cruise control works. Most cruise controls continually overshoot - they let the vehicle slow down uphill, then give it too much gas and top the hill going too fast. A reasonably skilled driver will match the accelerator to the hill and maintain constant speed up and down. Such a driver will normally get better gas mileage driving manually than by using the cruise control.

If that vehicle has a manual transmission and engine similar to mine, he will need full throttle (1-2 inches vacuum) uphill, and back completely off the throttle (20-25 inches vacuum) going downhill.

With some practice, it is found that partial throttle uphill, about 5 inches vacuum, allows getting up the hill while losing only 1 or 2 MPH. Similarly, careful throttle usage downhill allows the vehicle to pick up the speed lost uphill without completely backing off the throttle. The MPG improves some more.

The driver starts by maintaining constant speed by using manifold vacuum over the full range of 1-2 inches to about 25 inches. As the (s)he gets better at DWL, the range of manifold vacuum starts to decrease. First 1 to 25 inches, then 5 to 20 inches, then 7 to 17 inches, then to ????. As the range of manifold vacuum decreases, the speed at the tops of hills decreases, and speed at bottom decreases. DWL is minimizing the range of throttle opening, as shown by minimizing the range of manifold vacuum.

My own driving, after several years of practice, is almost all between 10 and 15 inches vacuum. Most of my driving is 55 MPH in 55 MPH speed limits. I regularly top hills at 50 MPH, and hit 60 MPH at the bottom. This technique is the largest single reason for the gas mileage that I get.
06 Canyon: The vacuum gauge plus wheel covers helped increase summer 2015 mileage to 38.5 MPG, while summer 2016 mileage was 38.6 MPG without the wheel covers. Drove 33,021 miles 2016-2018 at 35.00 MPG.

22 Maverick: Summer 2022 burned 62.74 gallons in 3145.1 miles for 50.1 MPG. Winter 2023-2024 - 2416.7 miles, 58.66 gallons for 41 MPG.
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