More Lean Burn 2000 HX
Here is an up-date I posted on Honda-Tech that I copied and pasted here.
If you see my earlier post (12/20) I claimed no cracked exhaust manifold. WRONG ! Added to that was the plugged EGR ports which I have cleaned and posted photos on EcoModder. So once again THANK YOU for bringing this to my attention. The crack is small and I am going to attempt to weld it up at the same time I weld in a 0-2 bung for the new AFR gauge I just ordered.
Other news; With the instruction of Brucepick I have programmed the SG to read Lean Burn. This LB can be achieved but not consistently. At times it looks like LOD is the parameter to kick it out and at others it looks like 2500 RPM will throw it out. I suspect I will never run down just what does kick it out as the ECU is busy making calculations by reading a whole array of inputs.
Once the manifold/cat-con is welded up and the AFR gauge is installed I will have more to report.
Those here on the site may say to me "buy a new manifold, at 214K on the clock you are due for one - the honeycomb media is shot by now". Being frugal, this is not my first move but if there is sufficient evidence to do so, let me know. Thanks.