Hey, when it comes to getting your hands dirty, I'm usually the first to jump up in joy.

But, the fact is my wife gets horrible allergies, mostly grass pollen, so when travelling long distances it eases her sniffeling.
Kind of off on a tangent, but useful nonetheless: Ever been hot in the driver's seat but your passenger not? Wanted to see what other's tricks were to cool off without disturbing the comfort of your fellow travelers. My favorite trick is to tilt the sunroof and open the passenger side rear window just a crack. Turns out that my wife can't even feel a breeze, while my left side and neck sigh in relief. And if she's feeling hot too, I open both passenger side windows, and the air blowing through the car doesn't make her hair tickle her face.
Anything to avoid A/C use I guess.

Fresh air just can't be beat.
Oh, and yeah - nothing stops dead skunk. Unless you recirculate the air - but by the time you push that button the damage will have been done.