OK, I've taken my project back to my page I started a while ago, I had been distracted by Number 21's page where I had been posting, but I'm back here now. The latest is, I have done some adjusting to the drawing based on more accurate measurements of the bike chassis parts, I have purchased a Yamaha generator which will served double duty for our camp trailer and as the "Hybrid" part of my electric buggy, I have measured the electric drive train from the golf cart and added it to the drawing, and am bidding on a battery from a Chevy Volt, which I also drew up and added a pair to the drawing. I have obtained some 6061 aluminum bar stock to make upper fork, steering brackets out of, they will have to go to the machine shop to get the fork tube holes milled out. When it warms up some, I can get to the golf cart for disassembly. To be continued...