1000 Farad seems marginal- I use six of the 3000 Farad ultracaps to crank my F250 with the 6.9 diesel, and if leaps to life better than it ever did on a battery alone.
Good thing is, with an Anderson connector on the box o caps, it can live daily life unloading the battery of your daily driver, and also be fully charged any time you want to crank up the truck.
2012 Mitsubishi i-MiEV, 112 MPGe
2000 Honda Odyssey
1987 F250 Diesel, 6.9L IDI, goes on anything greasy
1983 Grumman Kurbwatt, 170 kW "Gone Postal" twin
1983 Mazda RX-7 electric, 48 kW car show cruiser
1971 VW Karmann Ghia electric, 300 kW tire-smoker
1965 VW Karmann Ghia cabriolet, 1600cc
Have driven over 100,000 all-electric miles!