There will be little incentive to really improve aerodynamics until two things happen.
1. The public's "perception" of real aerodynamic improvements is "modified" if that is even possible.
2. Power train designs are much more focused on the ability to actually take advantage of significantly lower drag due to better aero design.
Number two is not easily understood, but when the compounding effect of both systematic improvements is realized and the reality that one can no really succeed without the other can easily be seen, even in today's cars by the manufacturer's refusal to make manual drive trains with out even close to proper overall drive train ratios that would reduce engine rpm by 25-50%.
The really crazy thing is they do it with automatics and cvts, at least to a point.
Drive by wire allows them to eliminate the fear of "lugging" the engine to the point where damage could occur.
edit: apologies to aerohead for the partial thread jack.