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Old 08-03-2008, 02:41 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Kansas
Posts: 177

The Truck - '00 Chevy S10 Extended Cab
90 day: 22.47 mpg (US)
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Experiment: smooth wheel discs tested A-B-A - 4.6% mpg improvement @ 65 mph

I drive a 2nd gen S10 (2000) extd. cab and I've got some data on wheel covers

noticed changes in scangauge readings after installing covers
So I went out in search of A-B-A and (~250 miles later) found +1.3 mpg
On ~28 mpg runs - That is about 4-5% - depending on how you want to figure it
(I've got lots of info on methodology & data if anyone cares to see it)

This is in the ball park of aeroheads posted data for wheel cover savings:

I realize most vehicles (even S10s) may not see that kind of improvement
but have stock "swirlies" and they are very un-aerodynamic
where I live here in Kansas - there are bunches of S10 with these wheels
they aren't bad wheels for stock - aluminum & only ~15 lbs
for those of you who have not seen what I am talking about I have attached photos

also I have an after pic of the covers on the truck
As for my covers - I'm sure you are desperate to know who makes these aerodynamic wonders....
check out pic 3 - Walmart 16" pizza pans - $2.97 ea.

Attached Thumbnails
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