Originally Posted by jjackstone
So do these designers have no clue about aerodynamic automotive design history or are they just flat out lying? All any of them would have to do is go through a couple posts on this website (especially the aerodynamic cars post) to figure it out. I've read in the past that one of the main reasons cars don't become more aerodynamic is that once the designers make them that way, the marketing people come along and change the shape to make it look more like what ever brand they are. I believe it. I have read that some of the government's "safety" rules have caused some of the problems also. Apparently Ford fought the round headlight rule for years so that they could put a smoother shape on the front end of cars.
It's really blown me away that none of the electric car manufacturers didn't come out with a .20 or lower shape. One would think that the aerodynamic profile of a machine with a limited on board power source would be the first thing design engineers would attack. Well one day some one will break the mold and lead the way. They could take some tips from our friends at Aerovelo Aerovelo.
They know,but the stylists have the say so.All the aerodynamicist is supposed to do,is get numbers for the committee.If they want,then the aero team might slightly enhance a feature for lower drag,as long as the spirit of the design is maintained.
As Hucho said in 1985,low drag is not a question of technological feasibility,but rather has to do with how much a priority it is for those who decide what will be built.
DuPont/General Motors established the design obsolescence in the 1920s,with a goal of only slow,incremental change,with continuous product improvement over time.No risk-taking with shareholder money.
They were already afraid of look-alike cars by 1923.If aerodynamics actually drives product design,then all cars WILL look alike,if we're talking really low drag.
Consumers have no expectations of what a commercial airliner looks like,or a boat,or submarine,but they do expect cars to look different each year.It's cost us trillions.