Originally Posted by deejaaa
i drive 55-60 on the freeway. I don't care about performance, just economy.
It is not about top speed, but getting there.
The Audi A2 1.2 TDI 3L takes 15 seconds to reach 100 km/h (62 mph) from a standstill. Imagine what a heavier Prius with a smaller engine would do... it would even struggle to maintain speed at a slight incline.
Before you put a 2 cylinder diesel engine in a Prius, first rent a Nissan Serena diesel to get a feel for what you would be dealing with performance wise.
If that does not cure you, go ahead as planned
2011 Honda Insight + HID, LEDs, tiny PV panel, extra brake pad return springs, neutral wheel alignment, 44/42 PSI (air), PHEV light (inop), tightened wheel nut.
lifetime FE over 0.2 Gigameter or 0.13 Megamile.
For confirmation go to people just like you.
For education go to people unlike yourself.
Last edited by RedDevil; 01-15-2016 at 04:18 AM..