Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Any special type of race cars? Or, come one, come all?
We do formula and sports racers. In addition to the cars on our website we build the bodywork and wings for the Piper Formula Cars.
And for the Ralt RT-40/41.
Yet another instance of the convergence of the two interests in one person. I don't know what your take is on it, but I used to be very excited about getting on the track when I could, and I found switching to the fuel-efficiency focus was just another flavour of the same thing: expanding the abilities of driver & vehicle. Just as challenging. Easier to do on public roads. Much less expensive
Yes...all true. And very common among TDi'ers, as well!
Just the easy stuff laid out on TDiClub...snow screen, EGR bypass, VAG Com, synthetics, tall 5th gear, plus honing the driver's technique.

Best tank ever: 72.1 mpg in February 2005, Seattle to S.F.
New personnal best 'all-city' tank June '08 ... 61.9 mpg!
Thanks to 'pulse-n-glide' technique.