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Old 01-20-2016, 06:56 PM   #5 (permalink)
Should I turn here...?
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Port Angeles, WA
Posts: 53

Silver Civic - '96 Honda Civic CX
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Originally Posted by Fat Charlie View Post
You're rated 12 mpg combined. Jumping that pig up to 20 just isn't happening: I tried with an MT Xterra and only got 2-3 above combined.

A used axle with a better gear ratio can probably pay for itself, and figuring out a way to get that 46RE to lock up will probably be a good move. After that, keep the revs down and DWB, DWB, DWB. The main thing is actually reframing the way you think about it. Instead of seeing it as a low mpg failure compared to your Civic, ask what you're getting for your 12 (14? 15?) mpg. It's probably a lot. Sure, you want to improve mileage, but if you're getting the full utility out of it then it's a win.

PM me the last 8 of your VIN and I'll see what info I can dig up.
Yeah, the point of the van is to haul massive amounts of cargo (one of its intended uses is to facilitate a move), so I don't expect it to get 20mpg. I'm just looking to save a few bucks over doing nothing.

I got the airdam on yesterday, I'll post pictures soon.
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