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Old 01-24-2016, 01:50 PM   #189 (permalink)
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Urbana, IL
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Pope Pious the Prius - '13 Toyota Prius Two
Team Toyota
90 day: 51.62 mpg (US)

Tycho the Truck - '91 Toyota Pickup DLX 4WD
90 day: 22.22 mpg (US)
Thanks: 199
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I decided to swing by my local Toyota dealership just now to see if they had the new Prius out when there are no salespeople around; they did. It looks like there's more tumblehome at the rear, and the spoiler, while the same angle as before, is single plane instead of dual. The windshield is significantly--noticeably--more upright, and the scallop in the hood, which I suspect is there to lower pressure at the base of the windshield, is much more pronounced than before. Paneling under the car is about the same, with the exception of the rear. The muffler is now mounted transversely, and sits across the center of the car behind the rear suspension with no paneling over it and a small panel behind it to the bumper edge with two stabilizing fins. Wheel gap looks to be about the same. Definitely room for improvement if anyone is in the market and wants a car to aeromod.
UIUC Aerospace Engineering
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