I'd like to make a suggestion to narrow down what the source is of the malware popups from your advertising sources:
Since you've narrowed down to 2 of 3 advertising sources, keep the one clean one on the blog and the forums...
Then for the other two:
Make two alternate pages on the site, that only use each of them, exclusively. Then, let us know what the pages are, and have us go at it, until we get one that matches ... or both, possibly.
To me, that's a wiser idea than continuing on with *known* infectious vectors on the site. If you can't determine wihch source brings the infectious content, then, you should seriously, immediately drop these two, not carry on and leave them to infect others.
Current mod: Skidplate/Undertray for my MkIV Jetta. Next mod: CAD drawing for skidplate so other Jetta/Golf drivers can make one too!